44th Seville International Puppet Fair

Don Quijote Nómada de bricAbrac Teatro en la 44 Feria Internacional del Títere de Sevilla

The 44th Seville International Puppet Fair will bring together 16 companies from May 4 to 19. The oldest puppet festival held in Spain returns to Seville, and the ICAS program with the most editions held in the city: the International Puppet Fair. The 44th edition of this event will bring together 16 companies from May 4 to 19 that will take their shows throughout the city. The delegate of Culture, Minerva Salas, presented this Wednesday an edition that will have 46 performances in spaces such as the Alameda Theater, the Alameda de Hércules, Sala La Fundificación and Sala Cero as well as different civic centers throughout the city. A parade, two exhibitions and a course aimed at professionals complete the programming of this edition of the Fair, which expects to exceed 25,000 spectators. Among the companies that will be at this 44th International Puppet Fair of Seville are Mosaico Cultural (Brazil), Teatro La Proa (Cuba) and Susy López Títeres (Mexico). From Spain, companies from Asturias (Teatro Plus and Adrián Conde), Community of Madrid (El Retablo), Galicia (Tanxarina), Region of Murcia (Los Claveles), and Andalusia (the Sevillians BricAbrac, Búho Teatro, Atrapante Teatro, Atelana) are invited. Teatro y Escenoteca; the Malaga-based El Espejo Negro and Ángeles de Trapo; and the Jerez-based La Gotera de Lazotea). Among these proposals are several winners such as ‘Don Quixote nomad’ by the Cía. BricAbrac Teatro, first prize in the Children’s Baroque Contest and the Almagro Classical Theater Festival 2023 or ‘La Petite caravan’, by Cía Adrián Conde, award for Best Microtheater Space and support for new generations in FETEN 2022. Likewise , there are some premieres such as the parade ‘Mi gran caracol’ by the Malaga company Ángeles de Trapo. This festival is organized by the Seville City Council through the ICAS and has the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture through the INAEM.44 Seville International Puppet FairWhere: Teatro Alameda, Alameda de Hércules, Sala La Fundcción and Sala CeroWhen: from May 4 to 19Tickets: 5 euros at Teatro Alameda, Sala Cero and La Fundimiento. Free in the restAs for the price of tickets for these performances that will appeal to children and adults, the performances at Teatro Alameda, Sala Cero and Sala La Fundcción are 5 euros and the rest is free until capacity is reached.

DON QUIXOTE NOMAD at the San Roque Book Fair

El miércoles 10 de abril, nuestro DON QUIJOTE NÓMADA participó en La Feria del Libro de San Roque (Cádiz). Que bonito actuar para estos más de 300 niñas y niños. Cuanto disfrutamos en la función. Que interesantes sus preguntas durante el coloquio y que lote de firmar autógrafos jajajaja. Gracias a Nadia por cuidarnos y pensar en nosotros. Gracias a los maestros y maestras por hacer esa enorme labor. Gracias a Santi y a todo el equipo de ayto que hicieron posible que las aventuras de Don Quijote llegaran hasta el campo de Gibraltar. Viva la gestión cultural hecha con alma, corazón y sabiduría!!! Nos vemos por los teatros y por los caminos!!! Larga vida a nuestro Don Quijote Nómada!!! #FeriadelLibrodeSanRoque #FeriadelLibro #sanroque #Cádiz #CampodeGibraltar #donquijotenómada #bricabracteatro #titeres #cervantes #clásico #MigueldeCervantes #donquijotedelamancha

On Wednesday, April 10, our NOMAD DON QUIXOTE participated in the San Roque Book Fair (Cádiz). What a nice performance for these more than 300 girls and boys. How much we enjoyed the performance. How interesting your questions were during the discussion and what a lot of signing autographs hahahaha.
Thanks to Nadia for taking care of us and thinking of us. Thanks to the teachers for doing this enormous work. Thanks to Santi and the entire town hall team who made it possible for the adventures of Don Quixote to reach the countryside of Gibraltar.
Long live cultural management done with soul, heart and wisdom!!!
See you in the theaters and on the roads!!! Long live our Nomadic Don Quixote!!!

#FeriadelLibrodeSanRoque #FeriadelLibro #sanroque #Cádiz #CampodeGibraltar #donquijotenómada #bricabracteatro #puppets #cervantes #clásico #MigueldeCervantes #donquijotedelamancha

Interview at Showbiz Stages

Entrevista de Elena Bolaños en Escenarios de Farándula con Vicente Ruiz Raigal - Don Quijote Nómada de bricAbrac Teatro en la XXXVIII Muestra de Teatro de Torreperogil - Faro Escénico

Interview by Elena Bolaños in Entertainment Stages with Vicente Ruiz Raigal – Don Quijote Nómada by bricAbrac Teatro at the XXXVIII Torreperogil Theater Show – Faro Escénico