Criticism of Don Quixote Nómada in LanzaDigital

Crítica de LanzaDigital de Don Quijote Nómada de bricAbrac Teatro en el 12º Certamen Internacional Barroco Infantil del Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Almagro. La magia de los títeres y las nuevas tecnologías se alían en ‘Don Quijote nómada’ 06 Julio 2023 - Luis Carlos Muñoz ALMAGRO Conquistó a grandes y pequeños en el Teatro Municipal de Almagro La compañía bricAbrac deleitó el miércoles a los más pequeños con la obra ‘Don Quijote de la Mancha’ en su versión más moderna, fusionando la magia que proporciona un clásico de la literatura, llevado a la tarima del teatro en la forma más atractiva, escénicamente hablando, para la edad infante con el guiñol, y las herramientas que facilita la nueva era tecnológica. La maestría de los titiriteros, como ocurre con el rápido cambio de escenario, el uso de desplegables, la movilidad de algunas marionetas y los efectos especiales manuales se mezclan en esta quijotesca versión con las posibilidades interactivas de usar pantalla cromática, el zoom de las cámaras, la utilización de IA, diseños informáticos, grabadas voces de los personajes y la voz en off del narrador, aderezado todo ello con toques de humor y adaptado a la edad a la que va dirigido. La propuesta logra que los más pequeños y mayores retiren sus ojos de la abrumadora pantalla del móvil y se sumerjan en los múltiples alicientes de la pantalla instalada en el teatro. La pieza, que forma parte de la programación del Certamen Barroco Infantil del Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Almagro, es totalmente recomendada para amenizar una tarde en familia disfrutando de la magia del teatro sin tener que abstenerse de la, tan inexplorada, dependencia a la tecnología. #DonQuijoteNómada #bricAbracTeatro #AlmagroBarrocoInfantil #FestivaldeTeatroClásico #TeatroEnVivo #ExperienciaÚnica #Humor #Poesía #Emoción #Almagro46 #lanzadigital #prensa

LanzaDigital’s review of Don Quijote Nómada de bricAbrac Teatro in the 12th International Children’s Baroque Contest of the Almagro International Classical Theater Festival. the-new-technologies-align-in-don-quijote-nomada/ The magic of puppets and new technologies join forces in ‘Don Quixote nomad’06 July 2023 – Luis Carlos Muñoz ALMAGROConquered young and old at the Theater Municipal de AlmagroThe bricAbrac company delighted the little ones on Wednesday with the play ‘Don Quixote de la Mancha’ in its most modern version, merging the magic provided by a literary classic, brought to the theater stage in the most attractive way , scenically speaking, for the infant age with the puppet, and the tools that the new technological era facilitates. The mastery of the puppeteers, as occurs with the rapid change of scenery, the use of deployables, the mobility of some puppets and the effects Special manuals are mixed in this quixotic version with the interactive possibilities of using a chromatic screen, the zoom of the cameras, the use of AI, computer designs, recorded voices of the characters and the voice-over of the narrator, all seasoned with touches of humor and adapted to the age at which it is directed. The proposal manages to get the little ones and the older ones to take their eyes off the overwhelming mobile screen and immerse themselves in the multiple attractions of the screen installed in the theater. The piece, which is part of the program of the Children’s Baroque Contest of the International Festival of Teatro Clásico de Almagro, is totally recommended to liven up a family afternoon enjoying the magic of theater without having to refrain from the, so unexplored, dependence on technology. Poetry #Emotion #Almagro46 #lanzadigital #press

Criticism in El Diario de Sevilla

Don Quijote Nómada de bricAbrac teatro - -

Criticism in El Diario de Sevilla by Javier Paisano The live film of Don Quixote The Seville newspaper – JAVIER PAISANO – April 15, 2023 Elena Bolaños and Matthieu […]

Don Quixote Nomad in El Diario de Sevilla

Don Quijote Nómada de bricAbrac teatro - -

Don Quixote Nomad in El Diario de Sevilla by Braulio Ortiz. PERFORMING ARTS – BricAbrac on the path of adventure. The company premieres ‘Don Quijote Nómada’ at La Fundición, a version of the classic told with puppets and a live audiovisual projectionBRAULIO ORTIZApril 14, 2023 – 8:55 p.m.The BricAbrac company has come of age – its first show, C’est la vie, dates back to 2005–, but Elena Bolaños and Matthieu Berthelot, its members, have avoided the dangers of pigeonholing in these 18 years, they have avoided embracing a formula and repeating themselves. “We are very playful,” says Bolaños, “we are always trying new things.” Don Quixote Nómada, the production that premieres this weekend at the Casa de la Moneda Theater Festival, has allowed them to delve into the world of puppets and play at making live films, two pending subjects to date. “As spectators we had seen many puppet shows, both in Laval [in France], where Matthieu is from, and in Seville,” says Bolaños, “and in those works we were always amazed by that beautiful poetics they have, the care for the detail, attention to the small. We had never dared, and at last we do”. The puppets made in 3D origami by Carmen Itamad, and the landscapes and scenery created by Yanira Muñoz will contribute to the prodigy. Until now, BricAbrac had staged several French classics –El miser, Les miserables, Cyrano de Bergerac or The Little Prince–, but in the company they always fantasized about giving life to the gentleman of the sad figure. “It was one of those challenges before which you say to yourself: Someday I will get. And in the pandemic, suddenly, I found Don Quixote,” says Bolaños, who directs and adapts Cervantes’ masterpiece. A character whose spirit connects with those responsible for BricAbrac: “We like that he goes out on an adventure, that he is on the road, something that is almost a symbol of what we like. Matthieu and I are van drivers, we take the road and go on here to there, and in that we feel recognized”. The title for which they have opted, Don Quixote Nómada, also has another nuance: its creators want this creation to be seen throughout the world. “The text and the dialogues are interpreted by Néstor Barea in a voice-over, and it is so for a reason: so that if we represent it in Germany or Finland, the show will be in German or Finnish. We have set ourselves a goal: that In a place in La Mancha it sounds in all possible languages. has been programmed as a family theater, but something we want to highlight is that a spectator can go without children, without family, and they will enjoy this piece as much as the others”, comments Bolaños, who takes into account a quote from Chapter III of the second part, who says that the work moves children, young men, men and old people alike, that it is “so read and so well known by all kinds of people, that they have barely seen a skinny nag, when they say: There goes Rocinante”. Now, with the trade of BricAbrac, and the meticulousness of the puppets projected on a screen, Quixote and Sancho once again set out on the roads to provoke the enjoyment of all.