Criticism in El Diario de Sevilla by Javier Paisano

The live film of Don Quixote

The Seville newspaper - JAVIER PAISANO - April 15, 2023

Elena Bolaños and Matthieu Berthelot, (BricAbrac Teatro) plunge into a new adventure that leads them to enter the universe of puppets and they do it through the front door.

Bolaños has made an adaptation of the monumental Quixote, selecting some fragments that maintain its essence. What is truly original is the way in which they have conceived how to make Cervantes' work reach us.

With some beautiful puppets built in 3D origami by Carmen Itamad, the voice-over, full of nuances, by Néstor Barea narrating and interpreting the characters, and a storytelling stage built by Yanira Muñoz, BricAbrac assembles three tiny filming sets in which In a perfect, measured and orderly manner, the puppets become the protagonists of a film that is being shot before us and that we see on a screen. The work of Matthieu Berthelot in the preparation of this film production full of risk and nuances that is shot live with three cameras is surgically noticeable.

Suggestive, beautiful, with perfect manipulation, Bolaños's show does justice to the universal character created by Miguel de Cervantes.

The token
*** 'Don Quixote nomad' 2nd Baroque Theater Festival Casa de la Moneda. BricAbrac. Version of 'Don Quixote' by Miguel de Cervantes. Direction and adaptation: Elena Bolaños. Interpretation and manipulation: Elena Bolaños and Matthieu Berthelot. Illustration and puppets: Carmen Itamad. Voice Off: Nestor Barea. Videos, animations and music: Matthieu Berthelot. Stage space construction: Yanira Muñoz. Set design, costumes and lighting: BricAbrac Teatro. Marketing, financing and distribution: Anabella Hernández. Venue: La Fundición Theatre. Date: Saturday, April 15, 2023. Capacity: Almost full.

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