DON QUIXOTE NOMAD at the San Roque Book Fair

On Wednesday, April 10, our NOMAD DON QUIXOTE participated in the San Roque Book Fair (Cádiz). What a nice performance for these more than 300 girls and boys. How much we enjoyed the performance. How interesting your questions were during the discussion and what a lot of signing autographs hahahaha.
Thanks to Nadia for taking care of us and thinking of us. Thanks to the teachers for doing this enormous work. Thanks to Santi and the entire town hall team who made it possible for the adventures of Don Quixote to reach the countryside of Gibraltar.
Long live cultural management done with soul, heart and wisdom!!!
See you in the theaters and on the roads!!! Long live our Nomadic Don Quixote!!!
#FeriadelLibrodeSanRoque #FeriadelLibro #sanroque #Cádiz #CampodeGibraltar #donquijotenómada #bricabracteatro #puppets #cervantes #clásico #MigueldeCervantes #donquijotedelamancha