Don Quixote Nomad in the International Children's Baroque Contest of the Almagro International Classical Theater Festival

Don Quixote Nómada de bricAbrac Teatro on July 5, 2023 within the programming of the International Children's Baroque Contest of the Almagro International Classical Theater Festival.

The Children's International Baroque Contest was born in 2012 and is dedicated to family theater shows with an accessible language and to which is also linked an annual contest, carried out by the Festival, aimed at the three public schools of Almagro in order to select the three children who will be part of the jury of the Contest.
The Almagro International Classical Theater Festival has been, since its creation in 1978, a unique meeting in our country and constitutes, due to the undeniable artistic projection of the proposals that each edition hosts, the greatest showcase for this scenic creation inspired by the Century of Oro, a period whose cultural legacy still amazes due to the luminosity of its thought and the richness of its aesthetics and rhetoric.

From June 29 to July 23, 2023 and over 25 intense days, the Festival will celebrate its forty-sixth edition and will do so by converting the streets, patios, cloisters, squares and unique heritage spaces of Almagro — declared city Historic-Artistic Complex in 1972 —in a place inhabited by words and the transforming power of live arts.
Stage performances, meetings, conferences, training and educational activities, exhibitions, workshops, dramatized visits and a wide range of parallel activities —designed from an inclusive and participatory perspective— make up the programming of an appointment that also opens up to a fluid dialogue with other contemporary and emerging poetics.

The Festival is also the "home" of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro Clásico and the meeting point for many cultural professionals linked to fields as heterogeneous as stage direction, interpretation, creation, dramaturgy, cultural management, production, research, set design, history, philosophy or art

Comedy, drama, the auto sacramental, mysticism, picaresque, lyric, plastic arts, music and dance take to the stages of Almagro to move, amuse, subjugate, fascinate and demonstrate to the thousands of spectators who come from countless corners of the national and international geography that the work of Calderón, Lope, Tirso, Sor Juana Inés or Fray Luis continues to be the pinnacle of our theatre, that their genius still transpires and that their roots are still deeply recognizable in many cultural or philosophical expressions of our days.

#DonQuijoteNómada #EspectáculoDeTíteres #FestivalInternacionaldeTeatroClásicodeAlmagro #CertamenInternacionalBarrocoInfantil #EstrenoExclusivo #ArteDeTíteres #TeatroInfantil #Almagro #LaManchaEnAcción #ViveLaAventura #CervantesRevivido #FamiliaEnElTeatro #CulturaParaTodos #LaLocuraDeDonQuijote #TíteresDeAltaCalidad