08/23/2024. – Laboral City of Culture will host from September 12 to 14 the seventh edition of Rincones y Recovecos, the Singular Space Performing Arts Festival, with 21 theater, music, puppet, film and dance productions. This morning the general director of Cultural Action, Antón García, and the Festival coordinator, Sergio Gayol, presented the complete program for all audiences.

The seventh edition will offer a careful day and night program in unconventional performing spaces, thus claiming the uniqueness of one of the few private performing arts competitions that take place in Asturias, and which in 2024 has the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture and Language Policy and Sports of the Principality of Asturias, and with the collaboration of Gijón Impulsa; the Ministry of Culture and Sports through the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM); the Municipal Foundation of Culture and Education and Popular University of Gijón/Xixón, Divertia, Camino Escena Norte and Patioh! of Labor.

This year the Festival will offer the public three absolute premieres, two previews, shows that include drinks, free performances and craft games. In total, thirty-four artistic events that this year will take place in 16 spaces of Laboral Ciudad de la Cultura.

Rincones y Recovecos will host the absolute premieres of the Asturian companies Factoría Norte and El Encuentro Teatro (Dormiyosos), Mago Nacho (Imagínate) and Soy Semilla (Who leans against a good tree). Proyecto Piloto will offer the preview of Bauh, and Mapi Quintana previews Working Class. In this edition, the Asturian companies mentioned will be joined by La Roca Producciones (Zozobra) and Los Pintores (The Mouse’s Diapers) and the students of the Higher School of Dramatic Art of the Principality of Asturias, directed by Luisa Aguilar, who will offer The Object alive.

The line-up also includes the Rioja company Realidad Traviesa, which will open the festival on September 12 with Tiempos ancestrales;  the Navarrese T-Difference (El cabaret de Colette), Yarleku Teatro (their show By y Bu comes to the festival in collaboration with Camino Escena Norte) and Pájaros Pintados (Olivia’s garden); Madrid’s Factoría Teatro (La Española Inglés), La Bernalina (which will close the festival with Exquisita y Sicalíptica) and Eugenia Manzaneda (Open Your Book and Cuentos Gallináneos); the Cantabrians Ábrego Producciones (Lear in the cathedrals) and the Andalusians Bric a Brac (Nomadic Don Quixote). Rincones y Recovecos continues to expand its billboard outside of Spain. The international commitment focuses on American performing arts, with the Mexican company MondomEraki, which will do double duty with the shows Cuentos con café and Magdalena, the other Frida.

You can consult the details of the programming and purchase tickets at Festival Rincones y Recovecos 2024.


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